martes, 13 de marzo de 2007

Poemas con algas

Como?, que as algas non vos inspiran para nada?, nin evocan as vosas ensoñadoras musas proveedoras da metáfora e a metonimia?.
Pois será a vós, porque un poeta americano chamado Henry Wadsworth Longfellow no 1850 decidiu adicarlle ás algas un bonito poema que aquí tendes abaixo en inglés e do que non tardarei, espero, ter traduzón ao español e galego. Por suposto no vídeo podedes escoitalo recitar na lingua coa que Chespir despachaba otelos, romeos e reis de dinamarca. Ao parecer este escritor tivo o mérito tamén de facer a primeira traducción da Divina Comedia de Dante ao inglés. E imaxino que el, evocando a baixada aos infernos de Dante, pensou que tamén podía baixar ás profundidades mariñas a través das algas que nos bota o mar.

Poem: Seaweed
Longfellow, published 1850
When descends on the Atlantic
The gigantic
Storm-wind of the equinox,
Landward in his wrath he scourges
The toiling surges,
Laden with seaweed from the rocks:

From Bermuda's reefs; from edges
Of sunken ledges,
In some far-off, bright Azore;
From Bahama, and the dashing,
Surges of San Salvador;

From the tumbling surf, that buries
The Orkneyan skerries,
Answering the hoarse Hebrides;
And from wrecks of ships, and drifting
Spars, uplifting
On the desolate, rainy seas;--

Ever drifting, drifting, drifting
On the shifting
Currents of the restless main;
Till in sheltered coves, and reaches
Of sandy beaches,
All have found repose again.

So when storms of wild emotion
Strike the ocean
Of the poet's soul, erelong
From each cave and rocky fastness,
In its vastness,
Floats some fragment of a song:

Front the far-off isles enchanted,
Heaven has planted
With the golden fruit of Truth;
From the flashing surf, whose vision
Gleams Elysian
In the tropic clime of Youth;

From the strong Will, and the Endeavor
That forever
Wrestle with the tides of Fate
From the wreck of Hopes far-scattered,
Floating waste and desolate;--

Ever drifting, drifting, drifting
On the shifting
Currents of the restless heart;
Till at length in books recorded,
They, like hoarded
Household words, no more depa

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