viernes, 4 de enero de 2008

Microalgas y arquitectura

Hace poco me llegó la noticia de que estaban realizando un prototipo de lámpara con Chlorella que daba una luz verdosa y que además "ayudaba" a aliviar la carga del CO2 atmosférico aportando su granito de arena.
Ahora la noticia es más asombrosa, acaban de diseñar una pared llamada Stem confeccionada con microalgas.
Stem es una pared viviente,capaz de interaccionar con la luz solar y generar oxígeno. Está compuesta por botellas de plástico rellenas de agua y algasfotosintéticas. Cuando el sol pegue fuerte, el crecimiento de algas será elevado, por lo que la pared dejará pasar poca luz. En cambio, sila luz solar es escasa, la cantidad de clorofila disminuirá, por lo queel color de las botellas virará a transparente. Stem es una idea de Claudia Pasquero para un concurso sobre diseño sostenible de Core77.

STEM is a "living" screen system, able to engage with sun light and to generate oxygen via photosynthesis. STEM will grow and evolve its physical qualities out of its relationship with sun light; light will be filtered and captured for photosynthetic operations; oxygen will be produced and carbon dioxide adsorbed; more light will result into more oxygen production and more screening potential; less light will turn into less photosynthesis and more transparency; More specifically “‘the cell units”‘ within the structure will index incident solar radiation levels in the environment in which is placed and will differentiate in amount of blanket weeds (highly efficient photosynthetic algae) contained. The overall system’s shape, its liquid transparency and its breathing potential will at first be defined by the radiation gradients in the room; but as the living material starts to grow and evolve the parameters will influence each other and the system will be subjected to constant transformation and will require artificial manipulation of interaction from the users.

Each unit has got a hexagonal shape; the catalogue is constituted by 9 peaces with different filling responding to different light and radiation conditions. The unit containing algae will be provided with controlled holes enabling the O2 exchange.

Blanketweeds has been chosen as filling material for their high efficiency in term of photosynthetic property, for their geometric character and for their local availability as by product of the pond lifecycle.

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